The low standard of living in Oltenia affects families with many children in many aspects. Due to financial shortcomings, children are left without education, often are missing from school, some of them drop out of school and they start begging or go to work together with parents in order to provide for their families.
Therefore the After School Program was started for children grades 1 – 4. The program provides a place for children to come 5 days a week to receive assistance with school work as well as additional and fun educational opportunities.
Ours goals: To reduce illiteracy, reduce school dropout and absentee rates and encourage children to attend school and learn more.
Activities to reach ours goals:
Helping with homework
Educational games
Tutoring for different areas of the primary curriculum
General education and good manners practices
Spiritual activities
What we need:
A permanent space to run activities (link to Day Center page?)
School supplies
Financial resources to provide the children with a small lunch, to support local staff or for special events. (Donate link)
Our most recent events: link to facebook posts about After School
If you would like to be involved in the education of the children in Oltenia, please contact (email).