by SPC | Dec 20, 2018 | Craiova
Craiova „Semnificatia Craciunului pentru mine, fie ca este vorba de sensul traditional sau de cel modern, este foarte simpla: a-i iubi pe ceilalti.” – Bob Hope Cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna, Asociatia Speranta pentru comunitate din Craiova, a adus...
by SPC | Nov 24, 2018 | After School, Education
Today was the first day of After-School! We were able to present each child who attended a backpack full of school supplies. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible! Please continue to pray for us, for the program and for the children. Our hope in this new...
by SPC | Nov 24, 2018 | After School, Education
We are happy to share that this fall, the After-School program has been off to a great start, with 29 children enrolled in the program. We stay busy helping them with homework and offering them supplemental material in Romanian, English, math, general studies and art....
by SPC | Nov 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
In parteneriat cu CASA REHOBOTH
by SPC | Nov 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
This month we had the opportunity to work together with 4 missionaries from the World Race. We prepared homework, held English courses and enjoyed a Fall Bash!
by SPC | Nov 15, 2018 | After School, Educație
Suntem fericiți să împărtășim faptul că în această toamnă programul Afer School a avut parte de un început minunat. S-au înscris 29 de copii. Le oferim cu bucurie ajutor la temele scolare dar le punem la dispoziție și materiale suplimentare pentru limba română,...
by SPC | Sep 17, 2018 | After School, Educație
Astăzi a fost prima zi a programului After School! Am putut dărui fiecărui copil care s-a înscis câte un rucsac plin de rechizite școlare. Vă mulțumim tuturor celor care ați contribuit ! Continuați să vă rugați pentru noi, pentru activitățile noastre și pentru copii....
by SPC | Jun 7, 2018 | Day Center
Hope for the Community Association does not currently have a location to call its own. Space for activities such as After-School is limited. We also currently do not have the ability to expand and develop new projects. Therefore it is our vision to have a location in...
by SPC | Jun 7, 2018 | Education, Scholarships
Getting a college education is a great opportunity for a child in poverty to change their future. However it is expensive for many families. We desire to help provide funds for students in our communities who have the desire and are committed to going to school. Our...
by SPC | Jun 7, 2018 | Camps
Summer often leaves children with a lot of free time. We have offered different types of camp experiences to help continue a child’s education as well as providing a safe and fun place to spend their summer days. To financially donate to make this camp special CLICK...
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